Who Can Be A Member
- Commercial banks
- Vendors (motor vehicles, yellow goods)
- Independent leasing firms
- Microfinance institutions
- Professional firms involved in supporting lease operations (audit, legal, tax, insurance)
- Associated financial services support businesses such as credit reference bureaus
Membership Levels
There are various membership levels, tailored to suit all types of members, from various kinds of sectors.
Full Member
This package is for Ksh. 50,000/= and it entails:
Associate Member
This package is for Ksh. 25,000/= and it entails:
Individual Member
This package is for Ksh. 10,000/=. It is suitable for individuals who have an interest or stake in the leasing industry.
Membership Benefits
Get professional development tools, network with other lease professionals, and access unique knowledge and information to guide you on the path to success in the lease industry in Kenya.
- Online access to training materials
- Member discounts and special pricing on training, conference/ event registration, books, and research reports
- LAK forums for industry-specific member communities where you can discuss industry-related hot topics with your peers
- Module based training on various aspects of leasing which allow you to create a personalized path to update your skills and keep your career moving forward
Becoming A Member
To become a member, please download our registration form which you can fill in and send back to us by email or drop it off to our offices.